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[ goodies | missions guide | missions 21-26 ]

Frustration Factor 3
21 :: Wooden ambush
This level can be easy or a pain, depending on a bit of luck near the start. The enemies on the left will blast through to one of your Worms, and if you can drown them without too much of a problem, you should be able to do the rest of the level easily. If they're persistent, you may have more of a problem. Don't forget to fire mortars behind their heads for maximum effect, or at their heads from above. You may wish to use the Ninja Rope to knock them down the slope a little before firing at them from the top of the enclosure. Even if you don't kill them in the first shot, you should then be able to survive and kill them in the second. (Note :: according to the patch notes, you can't knock Worms around with the Ninja Rope when the patch has been installed. It may still be best to go up the slope and fire down at them, taking the consequences.) Although you can take the level fairly slowly, the enemy gets airstrikes after a while, so be careful. A crate containing two old women near the middle (just above the pumpkin) - this is really useful against the Worms on the right. The Jetpacks are really handy, but don't be too ambitious - they don't have much fuel.

Frustration Factor 3
22 :: Go Bananas!
You must finish this level before the Earthquake chucks the crate into the water. Here's how.
Go 1 :: Move your Worm onto the top of the grape stalk, and fire a bazooka just under Sentry. This will hopefully kill him. As soon as you've fired, jump onto the apple. You'll take minor damage, but don't worry.
Go 2 :: Leave a Grenade at the point where the stalk of the big apple meets the leaf (ie the really thin bit) - then get out of the way! This should provide you with a route to the bananas.
Go 3 :: Blowtorch into the banana. The enemy will hopefully now fire a bazooka into the banana, from the other side.
Go 4 :: Retreat a bit, then fire a bazooka down your blowtorch tunnel to make a path through the banana.
Go 5 :: Parachutes should now be enabled. Walk up to the top of the second banana, activate parachutes, and jump to avoid the Mine. When you're past the Mine, hold down left to pick up the crate, and the mission is done.

Frustration Factor 3
23 :: The Drop Zone
I used to think this level was a complete pain - but that was before I learnt to use the parachute properly. As well as left and right, you can use up+left to really slow your descent. If you want a real challenge, try the level without using the up key during parachuting. Okay, so you need to parachute down onto each Worm in any order, and blow them up. Firepunching the rightmost Worm left kills the one next to it - otherwise you wouldn't have enough suicide bombers (although the Mine by the third one can kill it). If you fail a few times, you can use a shotgun for two turns, which makes it much easier, but you'll only get a bronze medal. Use Girders to extend the cliff if the enemy blows up the end of it. Use the furthest Worms for the rightmost enemies, as you won't have enough time to get them all the way over to the left... also, they're the most likely to die, so you should use them early.

Frustration Factor 3
24 :: Countdown to Armageddon!
This level doesn't require much skill, but it does require a fair bit of luck, so don't worry if you fail a few times before succeeding.
Go 1 :: Ninja Rope over to the captain, and baseball bat him out of his hole. (Aim as high as possible and to the left - he'll bounce to the right.)
Go 2 :: Ninja Rope to the mayor, and prod him into the now vacant hole.
Go 3 :: Join the mayor in the hole (if you're not already there), and build a Girder to seal yourself in.
Go 4 :: Build another Girder.
Go 5 :: There should be two crates on the left-hand side, and two health packs. One crate contains a Girder, the other contains a Girder starter kit. Pick all four items with your final Ninja Rope, and Firepunch the Worm off the top left.
Place Girders for the next two goes, and then you've just got to hope... You have to be lucky with where the comets fall, as they can easily get rid of as many Girders as you can place. It is possible though. Place long Girders horizontally, with gaps of about an inch between them, both vertically and horizontally. Obviously, start placing from as near to the mayor as possible, forming a V shape to protect from diagonal comets as well as ones which fall straight down. You may wish to place one short Girder in the hole itself.

Frustration Factor 1
25 :: Mars Star
This one's dead easy. You may be used to the landscape from the Super Sheep Racing training, but the Sheep you have in this mission doesn't fly. It does, however, jump - and it's got to jump lots. Use your Girder starter pack, laying two Girders between your Worm and the second block, one Girder (slightly lower than the top of the landscape) in the next gap, then two Girders for the last gap (just to be on the safe side). The first Girder should be placed right next to the green spaceship, so that if the Sheep falls back it will keep going. Now launch your Sheep. If you've placed the Girders correctly (and you're lucky - I've had some really irritating goes when writing this guide), the Sheep will run all the way to the right of the terrain. Detonate it at the bottom of the rightmost strut (when it lands after its last jump), and it will blow up the oil drum, which will in turn blow up the crate. If you miss with the Sheep, you can try using the Grenades, but I've never managed to blow it up, even when the Grenades come pretty close.

Frustration Factor 3
26 :: Mad Cows
Use the Worm Select to control the Worm on the right and walk over to the Enemy closest to the water on the right hand side. Place a Grenade beside him and move away, this will dispatch the Enemy into the water, one down 3 to go. The next Worm to go for is the one on the Cows head. Using the Rope it is possible to get to this Worm and place a stick of Dynamite just to the left of this Worm. This Worm should also be blown in to the Water. The remaining two Worms shouldn't pose too much difficulty. Just remember to collect the Mad Cow that appears on the Cows back and use that to maximum effect.

[ goodies | missions guide ]
Here it is, the official Team17 Single-player missions guide! These missions require expert advice so we got the Team17 QA department to pass on their hot tips.
[ missions 1-7 ]
[ missions 8-13 ]
[ missions 14-20 ]
[ missions 21-26 ]
[ missions 27-33 ]

On each level, you get a gold medal if you finish first time, or on your first attempt after winning a silver or bronze medal. The next attempt or two (depending on the level) will get you a silver medal, and thereafter it's worth bronze. There is a reason for this: on attempts worth gold medals, you'll get hardly any help in terms of crates. Silver will give you a bit more help, and bronze a bit more still. Thus getting a gold medal really is harder than getting a silver or bronze, in many cases.

The frustration factor
The single-player missions in Worms Armageddon range from fairly easy to rock hard. So, as a guide, what we've done is allocated a difficulty level for each mission ranging from factor 1 (sweet dreams) all the way up to factor 5 (your worst nightmare). Play a level with a frustration factor of 5 and you're sure to be pulling your hair out! You have been warned.

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