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[ multimedia | audio | extras ]
More goodies for you, this time, the sound of music extras! Enhance Windows and Winamp with these Worms Armageddon audio downloads!

Winamp Skin 1 .zip | 174Kb
Here's a fantastic Winamp skin
[ wa_winampskin1 ]
Winamp Skin 2 .zip | 37.3kb
And here's another...
[ wa_winampskin2 ]
Extra Sounds .zip | 1.94Mb
All manner of beeps, bonks, dinks, drums and bells from the game to modify your computer's standard sound scheme with.
[ wa_extrasounds ]
audio help Download by clicking the required link above.
This page will reload, displaying the available download locations.
Click on a location and choose save the file to your computer.
.zip files need to be extracted using WinZip or similar.
.wav files can be played using Media player or QuickTime.

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