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[ multimedia | artwork | 640x480 ]
Follow instructions below to set as wallpaper, or click image to return.

Windows help Once your selected image has loaded fully above, RIGHT-CLICK on the image and choose SET AS WALLPAPER / BACKGROUND.
Mac help Once your selected image has loaded fully above, CLICK+HOLD on the image and choose SAVE IMAGE AS(7.x) / DOWNLOAD IMAGE TO DISC(8.x) and choose somewhere memorable, or drag onto your desktop.
Open CONTROL PANELS and choose DESKTOP PICTURES(7.x) / APPEARANCE(8.x). REMOVE PICTURE, then SELECT PICTURE, recalling that memorable save location or your desktop.

[ multimedia | artwork ]
An excellent range of Worms art for your perusal. Created by Team17's artists this fine display will have you inspired and creating your own Worm art in no time! These images are sized to be used on your desktop too, so follow the help below for instructions on how to set these images as your wallpaper.
Click thumbnails
to enlarge












artwork help Download by clicking the required link above.
This page will reload, displaying your selected image scaled by your browser to fit the page.
Follow the further instructions for your specific operating system.

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