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[ goodies | missions guide ]
Here it is, the official Team17 Single-player missions guide! These missions require expert advice so we got the Team17 QA department to pass on their hot tips.
[ missions 1-7 ]
[ missions 8-13 ]
[ missions 14-20 ]
[ missions 21-26 ]
[ missions 27-33 ]

On each level, you get a gold medal if you finish first time, or on your first attempt after winning a silver or bronze medal. The next attempt or two (depending on the level) will get you a silver medal, and thereafter it's worth bronze. There is a reason for this: on attempts worth gold medals, you'll get hardly any help in terms of crates. Silver will give you a bit more help, and bronze a bit more still. Thus getting a gold medal really is harder than getting a silver or bronze, in many cases.

The frustration factor
The single-player missions in Worms Armageddon range from fairly easy to rock hard. So, as a guide, what we've done is allocated a difficulty level for each mission ranging from factor 1 (sweet dreams) all the way up to factor 5 (your worst nightmare). Play a level with a frustration factor of 5 and you're sure to be pulling your hair out! You have been warned.

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