[ about | the team | Andy Aveyard ] |
 Quality Assurance
Andy Aveyard was one of the lucky people who had the chance to sit and play Worms Armageddon all day. But
there's work to do too, as Andy will explain.
Andy, how long have been at Team17 and what games have you tested so far?
I have been here for about 2 years now. I have worked on Worms 2, Worms Armageddon, Addiction Pinball and also
a little bit on Nightlong. Between all these games I have been slaving away on Arcade Pool II.
What's been your favourite game to test?
I suppose Addiction Pinball has been my favourite. I've always enjoyed pinball games and I think I can honestly
say that Addiction is one of the best around.
How was Worms Armageddon? Was it good for you?
Worms Armageddon was hard work too say the least. At times it was very dull, but testing any game can get
tedious. There is a world of difference between testing a game and playing a game. Whereas Worms Armageddon is
great fun to play, some of the tasks involved in testing the game were very dull. Still we have great team
spirit in QA and that came through. The team spirit is probably the best thing about QA.
Got any good tips you can share?
Yes, always wear clean underwear in case you get knocked down by a bus.
What do you make of the games industry these days?
I think that the games industry at present is guilty of a lack of originality. Many companies are content to
simply release sub standard beat 'em ups, racing games or Doom clones. Very few games come out that are really
ground breaking any more.
Do you have any real ambitions in life?
Yes, I aim to be rich and famous and drive a fast Italian Sports car. No chance on Playtest wages
Is this 'the end as we know it'?
Yes it is. Have you ever read Nostradamus.
[ about | the team ] |
Since the release of the original Worms, the game has grown and the number of people who've contributed
to the game has also grown. As with all Team17 games, Worms Armageddon was a team effort. We've managed
to track down some of the team to ask them what makes this the best Worms game ever. Just click their
names to read their interviews.
Producer |
[ Martyn Brown ]
Assistant Producer |
Craig Jones
Design |
John Eggett
Porl Dunstan
Artists |
[ Jan Ruud ] Mission Graphics
[ Rico Holmes ] Additional Graphics
[ Paul Robinson ] Additional Graphics
Danny Cartwright
Tony Senghore
Programmers |
[ Colin Surridge ] Menu System
[ Phil Carlisle ] Network & Additional Programming
[ Rob Hill ] DX Interface Implementation/Code Support
[ Martin Randall ] DX Interface Implementation/Installer
Karl Morton
Sound and Music |
[ Bjorn Lynne ]
Matinee Studios
Web Design |
Paul James
Guy Palmer
Quality Assurance |
[ Paul Field ]
Kelvin Aston
[ Mark Baldwin ]
[ Grant Towell ]
[ Andy Aveyard ]
Brian Fitzpatrick
[ Paul Webb ]
[ Kevin Carthew ]
Localisation |
Paul Sharp
Original Concept |
[ Andy Davidson ]